Last Month in Aws

By Adrian | November 2, 2019

Last month in AWS saw me rack up a bill of US$0.86 and with the terrible US/AUD exchange rate I’m out of pocket a whole AUD$1.30. As im playing around with new technology and integrating various services that AWS provides, I touched a few services this month, and discovered I should probably decommission services I’m not actually using anymore. No surpise to me that I excceded the free tier limits for S3. I’ve been doing quite a bit with S3 and static website hosting, and I seem to be posting more these days meaning I am uploading more and I’m getting more hits on the website.


Cost breakdown

The cost breakdown is as follows:

Service Description Cost
Route53 Zone Hosting $0.50
Route53 35K Queries $0.01
Simple Storage Services (S3) 36K PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST requests $0.18
Cloudwatch Alarm metric month (standard resolution) $0.07
Simple Email Services (SES) SendMail/SendRawMail $0.02
API Gateway ~500 requests $0.00
Cloudfront (CDN) ~51k HTTP or HTTPS requests $0.00
Cloudfront (CDN) ~1.6Gb Data transfer $0.00
Lambda ~32Gb-seconds Lambda @ Edge $0.00
Lambda ~3.5k Gb-seconds Lambda usage $0.00
Simple Notification Servives (SNS) 218 Requests $0.00
Taxes $0.08
Grand Total $0.86

I’m pretty much using AWS on a daily basis for hosting and email services and a little bit of dev/test work with S3/Lambda/API Gateway. To get away with such a small bill for what AWS is doing for me really is incredible, and I’m outside of the free 12 month period as well. For the average person wanting to try stuff out in AWS, it really is an incredible platform to use and you only pay for what you use.