
Using TheHive4 webooks to create Microsoft Teams cards via Nodered

One of the most powerful features of TheHive has to be the outgoing webhooks. You make any modification to any case, task, observable etc and if configured, the outgoing webhooks will do with it what you will. I’ve written a few blog posts about TheHive webhooks, and my platform of choice has been Nodered for this. With a highly extendable and easy to use graphical drag and drop interface, it makes it easier to visualise your workflows.

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TheHive Webhooks with NodeRED

In my last post I wrote about Installing and Securing NodeRED. The reason behind this was twofold. First, NodeRED is pretty cool and I want to be able to do some more ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operations for personal projects I want to start on and secondly, I’ve been looking into TheHive webhooks functionality and needed some way to drive it in a way that didn’t require hundreds of lines of bespoke python code.

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Node-RED Secure Installation

Node-RED has traditionally been used for tapping into hardware devices and API endpoints to construct workflows in a drag and drop interface. It is quite extensible given you can add your own code and data manipulations. I’ve seen Node-RED used to connect into power metering hardware which cleans up the data feed, customises the output to multiple destinations (in this case Splunk and an output file). A quick YouTube search shows there are many possible home automations with Node-RED.

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