
Hiking Trip 2018 Day 3 – Bungalow Spur, Razorback, Bon Accord Spur

Well today was the big one one. With a bung foot I made the call to not do this long hike in the hope that I still had a chance to complete some of the other walks we had planned later in the week. I dropped my friend Michael off at the trail head nice and early so that he could try to get ahead of the heat and I spent the day soaking my feet in hot baths of Epsom salts, icing my foot and munching on anti-inflammatories.

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Hiking Trip 2018 Day 2 – The Kelly Tree & Bright

Leaving Mansfield in the morning I had pain, a lot of pain…. Show stopping pain in my right foot. I knew it was bad as I hobbled around and it threatened the rest of the week. We were due to take a day out at Mt Buffalo but given the development, we decided to take an easy day and drove out to the Kelly Tree located less than a km off the Tatong-Tolmie Rd.

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