
Goodbye Wordpress, Hello Hugo

Its been a while since I posted a blog. I have just been really busy with what seems like a never ending stream of things that need to be done. Over the last month or so, I have been getting into AWS a lot for both work and personal use. I was fortunate enough to get a subscription to A Cloud Guru and I have hit that content hard. Very hard!

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Setting Up an ELK Stack

Splunk. Love it to bits, use it at work heaps, but sadly for personal use once you go past that 500Mb/day license requirement thats it, get your wallet out. This is where ELK comes into play. Being open source I thought i’d give it a crack. Here is my experience. I know there are plenty of guides online for this, but went through a bit of trial and error for my setup.

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Adding Letsencrypt SSL

Adding a digital certificate from LetsEncrypt was not to hard to achieve. Instead of reinventing the wheel there were 2 documents that I followed from the Bitnami support pages. The high level steps are taken from this link Download the lego client Generate a certificate supplying your email address and domain Configure the web server to use the new certificate Restart the web server Test to ensure you have the certificate installed correctly Setup auto renewal via crontab The next thing I went about doing is ensuring that http is redirected to https.

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Finally. A domain attached to the blog. Thinking of a domain name is one thing, but ensuring its available is a whole other beast. As a technical person, sometimes creativity eludes me and with such a generic surname finding a name was a bit of a challenge. To register a new domain was quite simple using the Route 53 console within AWS. The cost was USD $23 for a 1 year subscription and the wizard is quite easy to follow.

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Setting Up a Wordpress Blog Using AWS LightSail

I am going through a learning curve with AWS, so what better way to get into it than by standing up a new blog using Lightsail. The setup was very straightforward. Login to the AWS console and select Lightsail. Select “Create instance” The AWS Lightsail console Specify the instance location, platform and blueprint to use Follow the bouncing ball through the wizard Select the instance plan and give it a meaningful name.

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