
Last Month in Aws

Last month in AWS saw me rack up a bill of US$0.86 and with the terrible US/AUD exchange rate I’m out of pocket a whole AUD$1.30. As im playing around with new technology and integrating various services that AWS provides, I touched a few services this month, and discovered I should probably decommission services I’m not actually using anymore. No surpise to me that I excceded the free tier limits for S3.

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Building MISP

This is part 3 of TheHive/Cortex/MISP build. In this part were installing MISP. Links to the previous articles are here: Part I - Building TheHive Part II - Setup reverse proxy for TheHive Part III - Building MISP Part IV - Building Cortex Part V - Adding analyzers to Cortex Part VI - Setup reverse proxy for Cortex Part VII - Integrate TheHive and Cortex Part VIII - Integrate MISP to TheHive

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Setting Up Email via SES and Gmail

Email for the blog? well that was the next thing I was wanting to tick off the list. Not only for the blog (I’m 99.99% certain I wont ever get an email), but I’ve always wanted to just pass out throw away email addresses for when I attend conferences - just to see who’s giving my email address around. Luckily AWS have a solution called Simple Email Service (SES) which is designed for just this use case.

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Adding SSL to S3 Static Website via Cloudfront

So now that i’ve moved the blog over to a serverless architecture I thought I’d take the time to post how I went about enabling SSL and where to from here. Simple Storage Services (S3) Getting a static website up via S3 is super easy. Open up the S3 console -> select your bucket -> go to Properties -> Static Website Hosting. Select Use this bucket to host a website.

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Finally. A domain attached to the blog. Thinking of a domain name is one thing, but ensuring its available is a whole other beast. As a technical person, sometimes creativity eludes me and with such a generic surname finding a name was a bit of a challenge. To register a new domain was quite simple using the Route 53 console within AWS. The cost was USD $23 for a 1 year subscription and the wizard is quite easy to follow.

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